Stacey Neely sent me this. All of my fellow Gustav survivors will recognize and attest to the truths of this... I can laugh at this now... on my laptop...by my lamp... with my AC......ahhh!!! Thank you Lord! :^)
*No matter how many times you flick the switch, lights don't work without electricity.
*Vienna sausages only appear on the food pyramid during hurricane season.
*Lovebugs do NOT disappear in 90 mph wind.
*Disasters can cancel one LSU Football game, but there will be even more casualties if we have to cancel two.
*Cats (and dogs) are even more irritating without power.
*Most popular text message after Sept. 1: Do u hve pwr?
*Coffee, Spaghetti, biscuits and frozen pizza can be made on a grill. (Yep- gives pizza a lovely smoky flavor!)
*Crickets and cicadas can increase their volume to overcome the sound of 30 generators!
*He who has the biggest generator wins!
Can't think of anybody i'd rather "Hunker" down with during a hurricane than my Sissy and crew...thanks for letting us hang out with ya'll and have 5 days of family togetherness! :^)
We were like the Waltons everynight huddled around the radio! Next hurricane, it's my turn!
That is sooo funny Kayla...also love the music video. How creative! Good to see you back on the blog after a long break...hope to read more soon!
Well, here is another part of the story about the name "Lucca": My family's roots are Lucca Sicula in Sicily!!! Wow, how neat that you have an Italian dog named after my "roots". I must meet her one day. Maybe I could bring over some meatballs and spagetti and some vino and a candle for atmosphere, eh? Chio.
Russell (aka Rosario)
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